Terms & Conditions

  • Kindly note that advance paid is non-refundable.
  • Any Cancellations once booking done would entail full cancellation.
  • Any incidental or actual expenses to be paid over and above the tour price.

Force Majeure

In the event that either party’s obligations under this Agreement are delayed, prevented or rendered impractical by any of the following events: Pandemic, typhoon, fire, flood, riot, earthquake, civil commotion, strike, lockout, labor disturbances, explosion, sabotage, accident, war, other casualty, Act of God, or any law, ordinance, rule or regulation which becomes effective after the date of Agreement or any other cause beyond either party’s reasonable control, that party shall not be liable to the other party for such delay or failure to perform. The terms and conditions will be applicable as per the hotel and airline policy.